I can't believe that I found you, fate did a number on me. If you end up with my arms around you, it's meant to be. Well, maybe my crazy is showing, but baby I'm hooked on your touch. But wherever my life is going, there ain't no rush. 'Cause wherever you're goin', I'd like to go too, if you don't have anything better to do. I'd love to spend some more time together, so what are you doin' between now and forever? I'll take the blue with the gray days, I just pray the road will be long, 'cause if I'm beside you there's no way I can go wrong. - Bryan White

Sunday, December 21, 2008

8 Things Tag

Angie tagged me awhile back - I actually missed this post of hers and just came across it on her blog today. So here we go.

8 Shows I watch:
1. American Idol
2. Chuck
3. Pushing Daisies
4. Eli Stone
5. So You Think You Can Dance
6. My Own Worst Enemy
7. House
8. The Office and Kath & Kim

8 Restaurants I Love:
1. McCormick and Schmick
2. Coastal Flats
3. Corner Bakery
4. Chesapeake Bagel Bakery
5. Moby Dick
6. California Pizza Kitchen
7. P.F. Changs
8. Benihanas

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Bundled Clay up to play in the snow.
2. Wrapped a present.
3. Played at Grandma Diane's with Clay, Tricia, and Melanie.
4. Shopped at Kohl's. (The madness!!)
5. Watched 4 episodes of The Office with friends.
6. Played games with friends.
7. Ate cheese dip. Yum!
8. 2 loads of dark laundry.

8 Things I look forward to:
1. Having baby boy #2.
2. Christmas
3. The next time I can go home to VA to visit.
4. A girls vacation to Disneyland. (I hope it works out!)
5. New season of AI.
6. Getting a new car. (A mini-van, but still.)
7. Clay starting nursery. (March 1st!)
8. Longaberger 2010. (So sad, I'll miss it this coming April... )

8 Wishes:
1. That my family will always be happy and healthy.
2. That we can afford the mini-van.
3. To be together with my family for Christmas.
4. That Owen will learn to sit-up soon. ;)
5. That I will live to be at least 76. (I told Cristin why once, but now she claims she doesn't remember.)
6. That I can get Clay into a guitar class when he turns 5 around here.
7. For more snow!
8. World peace. And harsher punishment for parole violators.

8 People I Tag:
1. Cristin
2. Ryan
3. Mom
4. Jo
5. Lindsey
6. Emily
7. Callie
8. Michelle

1 comment:

Megan said...

Isn't Kath and Kim a great addition to the Thursday night line up? I don't know if it is because I love Molly Shannon, but that show cracks me up! Ross and I are also big fans of Pushing Dasies - I am so sad that show got canceled. Why do stupid reality shows like the 'Wife Swap' last for more than an episode and awesome shows lik PD don't? Grrrrr.

Mmmmm. PF Changes and Corner Bakery,