Clayton's vocabulary continues to expand and he's picked up a few new signs, too. 'Cereal', 'thank you', 'please', 'sorry' and 'help' are his newest signs, I think. He's also become quite the climber. He mimics everything we do - he likes to help me burp Wesley by patting on his back. He eats proficiently with his fork now and is actually pretty tidy. He can count to two. :) He wipes his own nose with a tissue. He folds his arms when we say prayers. He blows kisses. Clay is pretty much an awesome little kid. Here's some video proof:
Paris 2024
5 weeks ago
He is so cute, and polite. It was tons of fun to see you guys yesterday. Mabey now that I can find your blog again I can keep in touch better.
It's so cute to watch them grow up. They learn things so quickly! He is so cute.
Yeah, for going down stairs! Love that little boy.
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