Here he is holding on to his Grandma's pinky finger. Too cute.
Love him! We can't wait to get him home.. still no word on how long that might be, though. Hopefully soon.
**To clarify for those of you who don't know or who haven't read my Mom's blog yet, this is what happened with Owen.
Cristin was actually due to have him on September 18th, so he was approximately 5 weeks early when he was born on August 16th. He weighed in at 5 pounds, 10 ounces and was 16 inches long. At first his lungs were watered down and still premature and the doctors thought he might have some sort of infection. Fortunately, his lungs matured quickly and all his blood work came back clean. However, his new thing is that his heart rate keeps dropping to the 50s and 40s (should be between 120 and 180). So yesterday they had a ton of monitors hooked to his chest when I saw him. They also did an ultrasound on his brain (right through his soft spot) but that also came back clean. So far they don't know what's up with his heart rate dropping sporadically, but they are still testing the poor little guy. Occasionally he refuses to eat so they've got a tube up his nose going into his stomach for when he won't eat. He's already lost a few ounces, but that is normal for any newborn. Anyways, that's all the information I have so far, but I will update if there are any significant changes. Did I mention that he is dang cute?!
He is adorable. Is he in the NICU then? What happened, if I may ask? Anna was in the NICU up at Logan Regional - they did a fantastic job. We have many pictures of her in the bili bed, as not fun as it is, it is pretty cute when they have those little sunglasses on. They thought we weren't going to be able to take her home until Christmas, but we got to on the 22nd! Wahoo. It was hard not being able to hold her and feed her at first. But tell your sister it gets better...eventually. Hopefully everything will continue to get better.
He's super cute! I'll keep him in my prayers. :)
Wow...he is dang cute. That is a little scary. I hope all goes well. Tell Cristen and Mark congratulations! Our thoughts are with them and their new little guy.
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